Adjustable Bed, Memory Foam Mattress, Beds and Pillows - Natural Back Pain Relief Products - self-care products

Back Be Nimble Privacy & Security Policy

Back Be Nimble BBB Business Review
Privacy Statement for Back Be Nimble:
Effective as of August 17, 2015

Back Be Nimble initiated this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to our customers' and our visitors' privacy. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for the Back Be Nimble website, known as

We do not sell any customer information to any third party. We also DO NOT provide any individually identifiable customer information to any third party except as follows:
  • in response to subpoenas, court orders or legal process, or if we find that your actions on our web site violate any laws or commonly acceptable website use practices;
  • in order to finalize a purchase, certain information (such as purchase amount) and other information required, such as name, and contact information may be shared with your financial institution or credit card issuer;
  • in the case of affiliates, purchasing groups or other referrals where some information is required by the referring party - typically, only transaction amount and date will be shared with the referrer - personal identification information is NOT typically included; however, in certain cases (as with purchasing groups) we may share minimal personally identifiable information (like the customer's group membership id) with the purchasing group.

Should there be substantive or material change in our policies or practices related to information sharing or other aspects of this Privacy Policy, all affected individuals will be notified of the change by email and allowed the option of excluding their information prior to implementation of the change.. Such notice will contain specific instructions on how to have information excluded.

This site contains links to other sites and may be "linked to" from other sites. Back Be Nimble is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any other web site.

We use your IP address and other automatically retrieved information (such as used by your chosen internet browser) to help us administer our website statistics. IP addresses are stored with personally identifiable information only as much that would allow us to relate our visitors to their particular path through our site and to facilitate appropriate customer service as it may pertain to the order process.

Our site uses a cookie to keep track of your shopping cart. In order to shop on the Back Be Nimble website, users must accept cookies. If cookies are not accepted, the customer will not be able to make online purchases on the website. Other cookies may be used for visitors entering from Back Be Nimble affiliates, customer referrals or preferred customer groups. Cookies which are set and used within the Back Be Nimble website do NOT contain specific individual identity, passwords or other confidential information. The lifetime of any Back Be Nimble cookie depends on it's use and ranges from "session only" to 6 months.

Security - Shop Worry Free

Our site uses several html forms to allow our customers to either purchase products, or to request information or assistance. Contact (name and email address) collected as part of a purchase process, is used to complete a transaction and facilitate the shipping of products to our customers. The collection of such information also allows us to deliver order confirmations and follow-up related to specific orders. Optional, informational related forms merely offer our visitors a way to receive service or optional future information (such as announcements or promotions requested via an approved opt-in method). Again, the request to receive such is purely optional and a visitor/customer must specifically sign-up and 'opt-in' for us to have approval to send such information. All customer and visitor information is stored in a secure manner. No sensitive financial data, nor credit card information is either collected or stored on the Back Be Nimble servers. For your complete security, we utilize only the most reliable and secure 3rd party payment gateways; specifically "" or PayPal for all secure online payments. Customer credit card numbers are never seen nor available for review by any of our staff members.

PayPal Logo
Back Be Nimble BBB Business Review

GoDaddy Seal

This site has certain security measures in place to protect against loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All secure pages on the are protected by a Godaddy Secure Site Certificate enabling high-grade SSL encryption for pages related to checkout. Please note as stated above, all collection of sensitive financial or credit card data is collected in a form that is submitted directly to secure 3rd Party Payment Gateways ( and PayPal). Our online servers are further protected from unauthorized electronic access by firewall technology which recognizes, reports and locks out unusual or apparently un-authorized access attempts.

Heartbleed Bug Free Secure Shopping SiteOur servers have not been penetrated by the Heartbleed Bug and utilize an Apache software version that has been determined to be unaffected by the Heartbleed Bug.

Databases are regularly backed up and saved to protect against loss of information. Backup storage media and online servers are maintained in a physically secured and environmentally controlled facility with monitored physical access controlled by password, and physical security measures.

Customer Product Reviews

This site allows visitors and customers to post comments about products that we offer. Such postings are reviewed and approved by us prior to becoming available for public consumption and we reserve the right to delete or judiciously edit any such posting. Please remember that any information disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information. Personally identifiable information is optional (not required) when making such postings.

Access to customer information (including backup media) by staff and contractors is controlled by both policy and electronic means. Only authorized staff have access to customer data. Individual staff members may be allowed to access only certain parts of customer information as may be required to perform their job functions. All staff or contractors with any access to customer data are under signed agreement not to misuse or disclose such information to any third party except as may be required by law or job function.


This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our database so as not to receive future communications or service.

If you have signed up to receive the Back Be Nimble Newsletter but now wish to unsubscribe, you can simply visit the subscription page and use the form there to remove your email address.

All email sent to our Opt-In mail list will contain a link that can be used to automatically remove the receiving email address and name (if present in the database) from the mail list. Such email will also contain instructions for removal by simple email reply.

Corrections, Updates & Removal

This site gives users and customers the following options for changing or removing information previously provided.
NOTE: All such requests related to Customer Data must contain the customer's Name, Billing address, email address and at least one Back Be Nimble invoice number from a purchase made by the customer.

GENERAL CONTACT INFORMATION : QR code contact Back Be Nimble
Customer Service  
Phone Hours:

Mon-Fri: 10am-3:00pm MT
Customer Service & Product Specialists not available Saturday and Sunday
Main Phone: 1.713.521.0003
Toll Free: 1.800.639.3746 (U.S.A. and Canada Only)
Fax: 1.800.787.4378
E-Mail: for ORDER TRACKING, shopping help, product knowledge, return info or any other customer service questions for website errors, comments and problems
Surface Mail and Product Return Address:
Back Be Nimble BBB Business Review
  • 90 WEST 500 SOUTH
  • # 215
  • BOUNTIFUL, UT 84010

Back Be Nimble is a licensee/member of the Better Business Bureau. BBB is an independent, organization whose mission is to build users' trust and confidence in the Internet by promoting the use of fair information practices. Because this web site wants to demonstrate its commitment to your privacy, it has agreed to disclose its information practices and have its privacy practices reviewed for compliance by BBB. By displaying the BBB trustmark, this web site has agreed to notify you of:

  1. What personally identifiable information of yours or third party personally identifiable information that is collected from you through the web site
  2. The organization collecting the information
  3. How the information is used
  4. With whom the information may be shared
  5. What choices are available to you regarding collection, use and distribution of the information
  6. The kind of security procedures that are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under Back Be Nimble's control
  7. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact Back Be Nimble's Customer Care department by email to or by using the contact information shown above. If you do not receive acknowledgment of your inquiry or if your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, you should then contact the Better Business Bureau at BBB online The BBB will then serve as a liaison with Back Be Nimble to resolve your concerns.

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Page Modified Tue Jul 02 16:03:56 MDT 2024
Back Be Nimble BBB Business Review
PRODUCT INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: offers the finest back pain relief products and best solutions to address self care, ergonomic postural support, stress relief, lifestyle improvement and enhanced personal comfort. Such should not be considered medical advice or substitute for recommendations of an attending doctor. Back Be Nimble does not receive funding from any manufacturer or brand; as such are purely mentioned as informational. favicon Contents Funded and Copyright © 1994-2024 by Back Be Nimble -All Rights Reserved.
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