Prostatitis Prostate Cushion Adjustable Bed, Memory Foam Mattress, Beds and Pillows - Natural Back Pain Relief Products - self-care products
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Prostatitis Prostate Cushion

Prostatitis makes it painful to sit Prostatitis Relief Seat is the (Cadillac) of gel cushions and is ergonomically engineered to enhance comfort in addition to providing incomparable pressure relief. The 5 degree forward slope places your pelvis and spine in proper alignment, thereby reducing low back pain and maintaining posture while enhancing your comfort and healing time for your prostate condition.

The Prostate Cushion is a plush 2 inches thick in the main seating area toward the back. It uses polyurethane gel to disperse pressure at the point of contact, while also featuring a center pressure-relief groove that virtually eliminates contact with soft tissue surrounding the prostate, rectum and sensitive peri-anal tissues. This also relieves pressure on the genital area, making it ideal for vulvodynia or interstitial cystitis in females. Nothing currently on the market can compare to the comfort and postural support provided.
The Prostatitis Cushion - Solution to Painful Sitting
The Prostatitis Cushion - Solution to Painful Sitting
Prostatitis Symptoms
  1. Pain or discomfort in the genital/pelvic/rectal regions
  2. Difficult or painful urination
  3. Problems with ejaculations
No more uncomfortable donuts: avoids the embarrassment and poor ergonomics of donut-type cushions. Why not help your back and circulation while you're helping your prostate condition?

Non-inflammatory: does not utilize magnets often known to increase the inflammation in an already inflamed area.

Ultimate comfort for Prostatitis: offers relief during prolonged sitting with prostatitis, prostate infection or other inflammatory issues of the prostate gland.

Portable Prostate Cushion Integrated Handle and foldable design is patented technology that makes your Prostate Cushion conveniently portable.
Best Prostatitis Cushioned Gel Seat
As scientists and ergonomic experts study the negative impact of sitting on the human frame, they face a difficult task. They recognize that when we sit, the great majority of our weight is transmitted to the seating surface through two relatively small points called ischial tuberosities with a total surface area about the size of the head of a baseball bat. For grins, imagine sitting on two vertical baseball bats, one under each cheek--"Ouch." This would suggest that our anatomical design was not really suited for the duties of the sedentary culture we have become. Therefore, much of the effort in designing a cushion to relieve prostate inflammation is focused on helping to distribute the body weight over a larger surface area of the seat.

Although our bottom half is often the most padded region of our body, it is clear that we were not really intended to sit very long. We certainly are not designed to handle much pressure being applied to our tail-bone or sensitive areas in the region of our rectum and perineum. These are not areas meant to bear our body weight when we sit. Poor chair and seat design, resulting from lack of understanding of functional human anatomy, has led to a lot of discomfort when we sit for prolonged periods, especially if we have certain conditions like prostatitis. If the seating surface is flat, like in a stadium seat, church pew, or picnic bench, it really amplifies the discomfort by trying flatten out our poor round bottom. This forces the boney structures inside to hit bottom (excuse the pun). Hence, the goal should be to make the seating surface accommodate our shape, evenly distributing our weight across the seat (copyrights: Dr. Brad Lustick).

The unique and wonderfully comfortable gel in our Prostatitis Relief Seat Cushion does a great job adapting and dispersing body weight appropriately; while the discreet, "therapeutic channel" eliminates pressure on the sensitive prostate, tail-bone and perianal areas.
The latest design innovation in prostatitis relief has finally arrived and is available for immediate shipping. Our Prostatitis Relief Cushion has the following technology and specs:
  • Dynamic Density Technology, a bonded Gel/ Memory Foam hybrid material that enhances the comfort of gel alone with less weight than solid gel would offer.
  • The Prostate Gel Cushion is 18" wide, 16" deep and 2" maximum thickness. Weight is 3 lbs.
  • Welded seams assure quality and durability.
  • USING YOUR PROSTATE SEAT: Please note that these cushions are formed with an ergonomic anterior (forward) tilt or wedge like design.
prostatitis wedge
  • Cushion must be properly placed with the thinner side forward, in order to derive the best benefits.
  • This helps improve posture and circulation in the legs

Painful narrowing of the male urethra
Prostatitis Gel Cushion
Color May Vary Due to Supply Shortage

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Quantity: $119.00 each
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  1. prostatitis - Prostatitis Prostate Seat Cushion

    INVENTORY STATUS: Prostatitis seats are in stock and ready to ship.

    RETURNS: 30-day money back guarantee. Customers are responsible for return shipping. We do not issue return authorization numbers or labels. Please return your Prostate Seat Cushion in new, resalable condition, inclusive of original plastic sleeve, inserts and instructions. Make sure to include a copy of you original order confirmation from Back Be Nimble with a note that you are returning for refund. Upon inspection and finding your return in resalable condition, Back Be Nimble will issue a refund for the original product price. Return to the Bountiful, Utah address found on your order receipt, Attention: RETURNS.

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Page Modified Mon Mar 04 15:50:58 MST 2024
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